____________________________   ..:::::::::::::....  __________________________
                          ..::::::::::::::::::::::::.. TELETUBBIES FAQ v.  0.2
..over the hills and   .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  25th of August 1997
    far away..      .::::::::::;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::.     Maintained by
                 ..::::::::::::###:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.      Moose 2000
       ,,, ::::!###;:|##::##|;:###::/###//##|:;###::::::::;--;::::::.,##|     
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          ''''           ':::::::::::'      '':::::::::::::::::'''''          
                          ':::::::::'                  ''''                   


 Eh-oh, and welcome to the Unofficial Teletubbies FAQ, the definitive guide to
Teletubbieland and its inhabitants.
 This  document  is  intended  as  a repository of TRUTH,  a noble undertaking
indeed. If you spot anything in here which is misleading,missing or just plain
rubbish, feel free to send your additions and corrections to:


 The latest  version of  this document  should always  be locatable at Moose's
Teletubbies website -

 Failing  that, you  can probably  browse  to it  from  Moose's Demon Internet
homepage -

 Please feel free to copy this FAQ far and wide, mail it to friends, put it up
on your  own website,  link  to it,  post it to Usenet...  just distribute it,
basically. The only proviso is that you should keep the whole lot intact,or if
that's not reasonable, at least provide a pointer to where the full FAQ can be

 If there's a mess of weird characters  all over the place when you're reading
this, that's probably because you're not using a proportional font.Try reading
this FAQ using  Courier or Lucida console.  I've dotted bits and bobs of ASCII
'art' throughout,partly because this is the first FAQ I've instigated and it's
the sort of thing you get in FAQs,  and partly because there's nothing the BBC
legal department can do about ASCII art. Um,probably. Well,let's just wait and


     1.0    - Overview
      1.0.1 - What are the Teletubbies supposed to be?
      1.0.2 - What's that windmill doing?
      1.0.3 - What are those shower attachment thingies?
      1.0.4 - So, which one is which?
      1.0.5 - What sex are the Teletubbies?
      1.0.6 - But... Tinky Winky carries a handbag...
      1.0.7 - What's the story behind that vacuum cleaner?
      1.0.8 - 

     2.0    - Overview
     2.1    - Again! Again again!
     2.2    - 'Funny Lady'
     2.3    - King Pleasure and the Biscuit Boys
     2.4    - Noah's Ark
     2.5    - Three Ships
     2.6    - Tree
     2.7    - Doll House Opera
     2.8    - The Bear With Brown Fuzzy Hair

     3.0    - Overview
     3.1    - Teletubbieland
     3.2    - The Flowers
     3.3    - The Tubbiecostumes
     3.4    - The Rabbits
     3.5    - The Tubbietronic Superdome
     3.6    - The Cast
      3.6.1 - Dave Thompson
      3.6.2 - John Simmit
      3.6.3 - Nikky Smedley
      3.6.4 - Pui Fan Lee
      3.6.5 - Toyah Wilcox
      3.6.6 - Eric Sykes
      3.6.7 - Penelope Keith
                                               .         '/\'    ,,           
     4.0    - Overview                        .\ \, ./ \/   |''/ |. .
     4.1    - The Clampdown                    .\ -..|       \/  //|._.
     4.2    - What's Left                   .  . \  -    _____   - . /  _ .   
                                           ,\- ../    ,--::::::-,    - / /,   
  SECTION 5 - SO, ARE THERE ANY WEBSITES?   ,\  -    ,:::::::..::,      /,    
     5.0    - Unofficial                     .\     /:::::::.. .::\    |. .   
     5.1    - Official                   . ___/     |:::::::::..:::;    \____.
                                          .\_      .:::::::::::::::||    /'. .
  SECTION 6 - CONTRIBUTERS AND CREDITS     '.\    | |:::--::::--:::\/   /'. . 
                                          ,__/     \|::<.0>:::<0>::|     \__ ,
                                           \___     ':::::.'_`.::::;   /-' .  
                                            . /      \:::......-::/    \' .   
                                            ,/___     '::.`---'.:/   /-- '    

 SECTION 1 - Teletubbieland Questions


  Teletubbies is the latest creation of Anne Wood, whose company, Ragdoll, is
 responsible for pre-school television programmes 'Rosie and Jim' and 'Tots
 TV'. Aimed, as it is, at a far younger audience than has been previously
 targetted by a television programme - the one- to four-year-olds, Teletubbies
 landed on our screens with a resounding splash.

  The visuals - highly saturated colours, sparse framing, stylised sets; the
 soundtrack - bouncy music, near-gibberish toddler-speak, parps farts and
 bells; the structure - tiny set-pieces and constant repetition - these mark
 the programme out as different. Try telling people that these factors are all
 the result of extensive research into what will most stimulate such a young
 target audience, and your words will fall on deaf ears. A vocal segment of
 Concerned Parents hear only the baby-speak, and criticise the programme for
 abandoning the Queen's English. Students enjoy the way that the programme's
 reflection of the experience of being a toddler is also a pretty good
 reflection of the experience of taking certain proscribed pharmaceuticals.
 And toddlers? Well, they just watch it uncritically, and enjoy themselves.

  Each episode follows a standard format - after the opening credits, there
 is a short scene involving one or all of the Teletubbies getting up to
 tubbieactivities. Usually involving toast or custard. Then the windmill
 spins up, and the Teletubbies are called away to a hilltop. One of them
 is selected as the day's display, and a short film starts playing on its
 tummy-telly. The film is live action, and involves small children doing
 something dull. When the film has finished, the Teletubbies shout
  "Again! Again again!"
  and the film is repeated in its entirety.
  After the film, the Teletubbies generally have a longer period of play,
 rounded off with some computer-generated animation superimposed on their
 land. Then, all too soon, it's time for tubbie-bye-bye and the end credits.

 -1.0.1-- What are the Teletubbies supposed to be?
          This is never established in the programme itself, although the
          publicity materials declare them 'aliens' while the opening credits
          place them 'over the hills and far away'. Perhaps they are indeed
          aliens, and they just happen to live over the hills and far away.

 -1.0.2-- What's that windmill doing?
          It's spinning. When it stops spinning, the Teletubbies go to bed.
          When it spins fast, one of the Teletubbies shows a film on its
          tummy. Quite why these things happen is anyone's guess.

 -1.0.3-- What are those shower attachment thingies?
          See above. That speaker tubes looking like shower attachments pop
          up out of the ground and order the Teletubbies about, or entertain
          them, is just something that happens in Teletubbieland. No
          explanation is given.
          Teletubbies is aimed at a very young audience. The children
          watching are familiar with a world where inexplicable events occur
          for no readily discernable reason. They are told when to get up,
          when to go to bed and when to eat. They are prevented from doing
          things that look like fun, and sometimes offered fun things for
          their entertainment when they were least expecting it. It's only
          the adults watching who feel there should be a reason for these
          things to happen.

 -1.0.4-- So, which one is which?
          Tinky Winky is the tallest. He is blue, has a triangular antenna,
          and carries a handbag.
          Dipsy is the second tallest. He is green, has a straight antenna,
          and wears a floppy top hat decorated with a Rorsharch inkblot test
          which looks to me like the open skull of a crushed dog.
          Laa Laa is not much smaller than Dipsy. She is yellow, has a
          squiggly antenna, and likes to play with a big orange ball.
          Po is the shortest. She is red, has a circular antenna, and rides
          around on a scooter.

 -1.0.5-- What sex are the Teletubbies?
          Tinky Winky and Dipsy are male, Laa Laa and Po are female. The
          voice-over makes this clear when it refers to them individually.

 -1.0.6-- But... Tinky Winky carries a handbag...
          Yes. Your point being?
          Remember, the Teletubbies are aimed at, and in many respects are,
          pre-school children. It's a bit early to start imposing gender roles
          on them.

 -1.0.7-- What's the story behind that vacuum cleaner?


 SECTION 2 - The Tubbiefilms and animations










 SECTION 3 - Behind The Scenes


  One of the most remarkable aspects to Teletubbies is the rich splendour with
 which it is presented. Its trademark expansive sweeping crane shots swoop and
 spin around the Teletubbies with a glorious disregard for such mundane 
 concerns as avoiding filming the edge of the set. The reason the world the
 Teletubbies inhabit is so believably real - psychedelic furs, improbable
 flowers and saturated colours notwithstanding - is that it is real. The set
 has no firm edges (although the moment you wander over the hills, you'll find
 yourself far away).


  Teletubbieland is located on Wimpstone Farm in rural Warwickshire, near
 Ragdoll's base in Stratford-upon-Avon - the same farm that hosts the outdoors
 set of Tots TV. The landscaped hills surrounding the Tubbietronic Superdome's
 crater, designed to hide the outside world from the set, have the unfortunate
 side-effect of hiding the set from the outside world. Nonetheless, an eerie
 amount can be seen from surrounding public footpaths- the hillocks themselves
 are instantly recognisable, patches of flowers can be seen, and, when filming
 is taking place, the Windmill towers above the area imposing its inscrutable
 will upon the happy denizens of Teletubbieland.

  The original intention was to locate Teletubbieland in a wood, but this idea
 was abandoned due to lighting difficulties. Instead, the land we know and
 love was created from scratch. Earthmovers dug a pit 3 yards deep, with a
 flat central portion 75 feet in diameter for the dome itself. The land in
 total occupies a field 80 by 130 yards.
  The grass is, for the most part, a quick-growing mix (the same turf as is
 used at Wimbledon), although astroturf is used in the high-traffic areas
 such as the paths and the immediate environs of the dome. 


  There are two types of flower in Teletubbieland - the large individual ones
 which are seen in the foreground, and the scattering of bunches seen in the

  Because Teletubbieland needs to be regularly mown to maintain its crisp
 golf course appearance, most of the flowers are stuck onto a piece of netting
 which is thrown across the more distant hillocks. It is an easy matter to
 pull this off when mowing. The foreground flowers are on spikes, and stuck
 into the ground individually.


  Don't be fooled by the cuddly appearance of the Teletubbies. They are huge.
 Ragdoll has pulled off quite a feat in making grown actors wearing over-
 sized costumes appear childlike. The illusion is pulled off by eliminating
 any familiar objects in the world which would give a sense of scale. The
 actors peer out through the mouth of the costume, and the costume head towers
 a further couple of feet above them.

 *The eye and mouth movements are controlled remotely by the crew.


  The Teletubbies live in a structure correctly referred to as 'The
 Tubbietronic Superdome'. This structure is 16 feet high, and is complete as
 seen in the programme. The interior shots are indeed shots of the interior
 of this dome, rather than, as one might expect, filmed in a studio.


 -3.6.1-- Dave Thompson

 -3.6.2-- John Simmit

 -3.6.3-- Nikky Smedley

 -3.6.4-- Pui Fan Lee

 -3.6.5-- Toyah Wilcox

 -3.6.6-- Eric Sykes

 -3.6.7-- Penelope Keith

 SECTION 4 - Teletubbies And The Copyright Law


  In the beginning, there were no Teletubbies web sites. Then someone blinked,
 and all of a sudden you couldn't move without browsing into one. With very
 few exceptions, these sites concentrated on aspects of the programme which
 had little to do with childrens' entertainment. They tended to revolve around
 sex, violence, and, to a large extent, drugs. The BBC didn't like this. With
 stories circulating in the press about the sacking of Dave 'Tinky Winky'
 Thompson, Concerned Parents in uproar about the perceived low educational
 value of the programme and the fact that it appeared to be popular with
 druggie students which _surely_ couldn't be good for children... the BBC
 decided to take action.


  There's nothing the BBC can do about discussing the programme, but all of
 the sites at the time made extensive use of scanned and digitised images from
 Teletubbies. Technically, and much though people do not generally get heavy
 about such use, this made all of these sites in breach of copyright. The
 legal department sent out a mailnote to all of the maintainers they could
 find, asking for the copyright material to be removed. Here's mine:

  Dear Sir


  It has come to our attention that you are operating an internet site
  on Web address http://www.mitt.demon.co.uk/teletubbies/index.html.
  This site features material which is the copyright of the BBC and/or
  its contributors including a still from BBC television broadcasts.
  By copying this material without permission you have infringed the BBC
  and/or its contributors* rights.

  The BBC does not wish to discourage fans of its programmes from
  discussing them on the internet, but for a variety of reasons the BBC
  cannot allow its copyright material to be scanned into sites and
  disseminated without permission.  Further, given the target audience
  of Teletubbies is pre-school children, your material is in danger of
  compromising the programme*s intentions.  Ragdoll, the producers of
  Teletubbies, are as alarmed as we are and are justifiably concerned to
  see that this misrepresentation stops.

  Please take the necessary steps to remove all BBC copyright material
  immediately from this site and provide confirmation that you have done
  We look forward to hearing from you by return, in the meantime the
  BBC*s rights are expressly reserved including that of taking legal

  Yours faithfully

  BBC Intellectual Property Department
  Legal Adviser*s Division

  British Broadcasting Corporation
  BBC White City
  201 Wood Lane
  W12 7TS

  Spreading Fear Uncertainty and Doubt in this fashion had the effect not just
 of causing people to remove the images, but to remove entire sites to be on
 the safe side.


  The sites which still exist use a mixture of alternative images (a shower
 attachment in place of a periscope), 3D renderings, and conventional artwork
 for decoration. In some nooks and crannies can still be found copyright
 material which the BBC hasn't discovered yet - generally images 'rescued'
 from one of the original sites before the clampdown.

 SECTION 5 - So, Are There Any Websites, Or What?


   Oliver's Website - The one the BBC lawyers point to as an example of a Good
    Teletubbies site. But they still won't allow any real images on it.

   Moose Industries 2000 - Hey, I'm allowed to plug my own website, surely? 3D
    rendered pictures, nonsense articles, that sort of thing.

   Lots more, but I'll have to rummage around to see what's still up. 


   Not yet...           

 SECTION 6 - Contributers and Credits.

  This FAQ is maintained and edited by Moose 2000.
  The first draft was written by Moose, who also did the ASCII scribblings.

  Thanks are due to:

   Oliver Lyu and mummy Julia, out of whose mailing list this FAQ was born -

   Mark Fawcett, for his researches into the 'real' Teletubbieland in the
   middle of darkest Warwickshire.

   The denizens of Oliver's mailing list for starting this all off, and for
   any contributions which will come my way in the future.

  Write to tub-faq@mitt.demon.co.uk  if there's anything which you feel needs
 to be added. Please bear in mind that I will exercise editorial control, and
 that I won't automatically add  everything  that is submitted to me.  I also
 reserve the right to edit any submissions to fit into the house style.  Full
 credit will be given for anything which is used, and I'm always on the look-
 out for bits of trivia to do with the programme.