Ask Dr. Moose

Well, thanks to the overwhelming response I've had to this website, from someone who once visited it by accident, to someone else who heard about that accidental visit, I've been forced to start a Frequently Arsed Questions page. This is it. With any luck, it'll help stem the flood of literally threes of emails per week.

So those rabbits... are they controlling the Teletubbies for their own nefarious ends?
Rabbits in control? What a fanciful notion. They're rabbits, for goodness' sake. In control. Tchah.

The day seems jolly short in Teletubbie land. What happened to the Earth to make it spin so fast?
Hm. You're a bit of a newcomer to this whole 'Television' business, aren't you? We do not see every minute of every day. Only the interesting bits are shown on our screens. Furthermore, the films that are shown on the tubbietummies last a lot longer than you might think. There is a whole world of misery hidden behind that experience.

How come you never mention the fact that Dipsy's face is marginally darker than those of the other Teletubbies?
Hello? Dipsy is bright green! How does the slightly darker tone of his face affect anything? Next you'll be asking me to point out Po's slight whiteness of face while ignoring the primary red tones of her fur. OK, fair enough, they do have slightly varying pigments in their faces - but when you're dealing with creatures who are emblazoned in acid-induced day-glo colouring, that becomes more-than-usually irrelevant.

What purpose is served by the little hole in the side of a ballpoint pen?
If the pen were airtight, then as the ink got used up a partial vacuum would be created inside it. This would cause the ink to stop flowing, inconveniencing the user.

If god exists, why do bad things happen?
You're just wasting my time now. Bye.
