The Noo Noo

Name: The Noo Noo
Alias: None known
Gender: Neuter
Accessory: Black corrugated nozzles
Comedy Characteristic: Sucking up Tubbie-toast, then running away.
Quote: 'Vvvvt'
Fear Factor: 8

The Noo Noo knows a lot more than it is letting on. The only autonomous entity permitted in the Teletubbie house, it serves the Teletubbies well enough to be tolerated by them, and serves the Morlocks often enough to be able to call on their help.

From time to time, the Noo Noo will steal some Tubbie-toast as an act of defiance against the weak-minded fools it notionally serves, and then run away by circling the central pillar making formula one noises. The Morlocks will eventually come to its aid, summoning the Teletubbies away using the windmill.
