Secret Footage

Thanks to some concerted hacking on the part of Moose Industries 2000 research scientists, a considerable amount of RagDoll's secret archive footage has been recovered.

The happy, innocent, and clean environment pictured in the BBC televising of the lives of the Teletubbies has, naurally, been sanitised. The full footage available to RagDoll includes:

A Morlock autopsy of the Teletubbies - The ruling class, the Morlocks, conduct vivisection experiments on the Teletubbies. This is partly in the search for continued understanding of these surface-dwelling creatures, but mostly because they think it's funny.

Sightings of the Teletubbies in the wild abound. There are more Teletubbies than we see on-screen. The ones which survive without the house, the flowers, the rabbits, and, most importantly, the Noo-Noo, are pathetic, dirty, malnourished specimens. It is from the pool of these creatures that the Morlocks generally select their victims.

RagDoll also tries to conceal the fact that Teletubbieland is on Earth. They weight their footage to make it, for instance, appear that the StarChild is a sun other than Sol. Their secret archives, however, contain proof that this is post-apocalyptic Earth.

And here is the StarChild from a different angle, demonstrating the biased view provided by RagDoll.

This still, from an early draft of Star Wars, gives us a tentative glimpse of the Voice Over himself (lower right, in brown hood). It is understood that George Lucas was forced to drop this look for copyright reasons.

This scene involved the Voice Over using an old Morlock mind-trick on the weak-minded Teletubbies.

VO: These aren't the droids you're looking for.
TW: Dese aren't de drois we bookin for!
VO: He can go about his business.
TW: You can go bout busy.
VO: Move along.
TW: Run away! Run away!